
It’s Over…. For now!

He’ll be back.

As you know by now Marvel’s The Punisher is officially canceled along with Jessica Jones. I know how saddened and angry you all are for what’s happening to all your favorite Marvel Netflix shows. I’m saddened, too. I blame Netflix for cancelling the shows and breaking away from Disney/Marvel over petty disagreements involving money and other matters. I wanted the show along with its cast and crew to continue regardless of what’s going on between Netflix and Marvel/Disney. I wanted to have much more seasons of Punisher and more of Jon Bernthal’s definitive Punisher portrayal. Just seeing Frank Castle in 2 Seasons of Punisher and one season of Daredevil is not enough. I just can’t thank Jon and the entire cast and crew of The Punisher enough for giving us an awesome viewing experience within the past two seasons.

To tell you the truth, I was hoping beyond hope against all odds that Punisher will continue its run while all the other shows get canceled. But alas, all those who said that The Punisher will get canceled were right all along. They assume rightfully that the show will get canceled a month after Season 2 aired and sure enough, it did. I thought they were trolling crap when they predicted its cancellation after Season 2 aired. But I was wrong. A majority of users were right to predict the show’s cancellation. I stand corrected.

But “hope springs eternal” as the saying goes. Upon learning about the cancellation of the last two shows on Netflix, Jeph Loeb, Head of Marvel TV, pens an open letter to all of his fans, telling them not to give up hope. All 5 shows along with its characters will indeed come back with a vengeance.

It had never been done before.

Four separate television series, each with different super-talented showrunners, writers, directors, cast and crew, coming out months apart and then…

…they would meet in a single event series all set in the heart of New York City.

We called them The Defenders. 

And together we were thrilled by stories of Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist and even the Punisher joined in!

They said it couldn’t be done.

But Marvel assembled amazing teams to write, produce, direct, edit, and score 13 seasons and 161 one-hour episodes.

Take a moment and go online and look at the dazzling list of actors, writers, directors, and musicians who graced us with the very best of their craft.

We loved each and every minute of it.
And we did it all for you — the fans — who cheered for us around the world and made all the hard work worth it. 

So, Thank You!

On behalf of everyone at Marvel Television, we couldn’t be more proud or more grateful to our audience.

Our Network partner may have decided they no longer want to continue telling the tales of these great characters… but you know Marvel better than that.

As Matthew Murdock’s Dad once said, “The measure of a man is not how he gets knocked to the mat, it’s how he gets back up.”

To be continued…!

– Jeph Loeb and all of us at Marvel Television

It is clear that Marvel will not give up their TV shows. Neither will we. We will continue to support the shows and demand the return of all the shows to networks willing to pick them up and renew them for new seasons.

Come back, Castle, come back!

What I want to see happening is AMC picking up The Punisher and renewing it for Season 3 with the same cast, same crew, same awesome actor who made The Punisher come alive like never seen before. More Jon Bernthal’s Punisher. More guitar scenes, More #Kastle ship. More Dinah Madani and Curtis Hoyle. And more of the exact same format that made Punisher an award-worthy show.

Imagine AMC airing The Punisher alongside The Walking Dead. Imagine seeing Shane Walsh in a different form, wearing the skull on his chest and carrying guns that send criminals to the morgue and into the ground. Imagine him as The Punisher destroying criminals for one full hour before TWD comes on. Imagine The Punisher show getting more ratings and more widespread viewing than on online streaming channels. What a super sight it will be. To see two shows that Jon Bernthal starred in shown side by side on AMC would be incredible if Marvel and AMC strikes a deal to air the show on their network. It might not happen, but then again.. only marvel knows.

If only Marvel rips up the contract with Netflix that says that the shows are not to air again on other television networks for two years… but I know they won’t. Besides it took two years for people to see Daredevil Season 3 in 2018 which is 2 years after Season 2 aired in March of 2016. It was well worth the wait. Waiting for all 5 shows to air again on any network shouldn’t be any different than that. When they do air the shows again with hopefully the same cast and crew and format as before, the waiting will all be worth it and we can watch our favorite Marvel TV shows again, including The Punisher.

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