Month: February 2015
Funko Bobble Head Punisher wants to play the harp
Just bought the Bobblehead Punisher from Funko while I was at Walgreens today. This is a Funko Bobblehead exclusive one can find only at WalGreens. He’s a cute little fella who holds twin guns in his hands. In fact he’s made to always hold the two pistols in his hands. It maybe good for battle,…
Chris Kyle, The American Sniper, The Real life Punisher!
Chris Kyle, The American Sniper, was a big fan of The Punisher. In fact, he and his team call themselves “The Punishers” out of respect and admiration for The Punisher. Painting Frank’s skull emblem on their vehicles, backpacks and uniforms, shooting enemies at a deadly accurate pace. He’s been making over 100 kills during…
My Favorite Miniature Harp
This photo is taken months before Frank encountered a problem with a broken string. I bought the miniature harp above from ebay upon noticing just how it looks, shapes, and feels like an actual pedal harp. It’s also my absolute favorite of all the miniature harps I’ve been collecting from ebay and lately from…
Frank's No Angel!
Although he enjoys playing the harp, especially when he does this in memory of his late family, Frank Castle, The Punisher, is no angel. He doesn’t want to wear any pair of wings, a dumb ol’ white gown, blond curly wig, and some stupid flimsy halo. No, not at all. In fact he doesn’t need…
With Their Harps in Their Hands
I was delightfully surprised to discover that the 6” Punisher figure can hold the maize colored harp from Playmobil the same way the 4” Punisher can hold the silver dime store harp which resembles the Playmobil harp. Harp on, Guys. OwossoHarpistSherry Konkus lives in Owosso, MI. She is the proud owner of the Camac Athena…
The Music Relaxes Him.
Frank Castle, The Punisher, quietly strums Warharp to keep himself calm. The music of WarHarp relaxes him. Especially after a rough day of war against the mafia. OwossoHarpistSherry Konkus lives in Owosso, MI. She is the proud owner of the Camac Athena EX Concert Grand Harp named “Grover” and Camac Mademoiselle named “Ernie.” She’s also…
A Duet
OwossoHarpistSherry Konkus lives in Owosso, MI. She is the proud owner of the Camac Athena EX Concert Grand Harp named “Grover” and Camac Mademoiselle named “Ernie.” She’s also the proud author of The Punisher Harp Zone. Sherry is the one who came up with the idea of portraying The Punisher from Marvel Comics as…
WarHarp at War!!
Here’s Frank using WarHarp as exactly what WarHarp is made for other than providing music for Frank’s tortured soul. Fan art drawn by none other than me using freehand drawing and photoshop skills. OwossoHarpistSherry Konkus lives in Owosso, MI. She is the proud owner of the Camac Athena EX Concert Grand Harp named “Grover” and…
And to think He'll always play it standing up.
OwossoHarpistSherry Konkus lives in Owosso, MI. She is the proud owner of the Camac Athena EX Concert Grand Harp named “Grover” and Camac Mademoiselle named “Ernie.” She’s also the proud author of The Punisher Harp Zone. Sherry is the one who came up with the idea of portraying The Punisher from Marvel Comics as the…