
How wrong it is to assume Marvel’s The Punisher getting canceled after its premiere.

His vacation to be cut short soon.

I find it very disturbing and downright wrong to see a lot of people just assume that after Marvel’s The Punisher Season 2 premieres on Netflix, the popular streamer will go ahead and cancel the show just like it did with Iron Fist, Luke Cage, and the ever popular, highly acclaimed Daredevil. I believe that this is totally wrong and downright disgraceful to the whole cast and crew of the highly acclaimed show. Let me explain why.

Canceling Iron Fist is understandable because although Season Two was a slight improvement from the first season, the show overall was not of good quality with uninspiring plots and poor-planned fight scenes. Probably a slight bit better than the badly made Inhumans show but not a good show worth seeing.

Then, Luke Cage became canceled due to people’s disinterest in the show it seems. It was a good show, but not good enough to stay on the air. When Netflix canceled the show, it led some people into thinking that Netflix is planning to order a new Marvel show Heroes for Hire with Iron Fist and Luke Cage teaming up to engage in crime fighting in the NY area. But Marvel/Netflix says they’re not planning on making such a show let alone renew both shows for new seasons, but they do plan on using both characters for different projects sometime in the near future.

Now to the shock, sorrow, and surprise to everyone Daredevil is unjustly canceled in spite of the being graced with the most awesome reviews ever given to the most highly acclaimed award-worthy show on Marvel Television. Season 3 reviews were all incredibly positive. People watching the show were amazed at the awesome acting performances and the battles were choreographed to perfection! The 11-minute EPIC one-take prison fight scene blew people away with sheer amazement and the ratings rocketed sky high. I swear there is no reason for Netflix to cancel Daredevil for any reason regardless of Disney’s plan to launch its own streaming device!

So now it is assumed that Punisher will share the same fate as the 3 shows and get canceled. That’s what everybody on Facebook, Reddit, and Twitter and other social media sites are assuming right now. Heck. They are even spoiling the whole fun by making excuses not to watch Punisher because of that assumption.

Who do these people think they are? After all the times they made a huge deal convincing Marvel/Netflix to give Jon Bernthal’s version of The Punisher his own solo show after his incredible debut in Daredevil Season 2 about 3 years ago! Now some of them are daring Netflix to just cancel the show. To them, all the other shows are getting canceled so it would make no sense for them to keep Punisher on the air… or so they assume.

How do they know that Netflix is planning to cancel the show? Huh? How do they know that Season 2 is The Punisher‘s last season before it gets canceled when they don’t know if that’s really the case? Is that what Netflix is planning to do with Punisher the moment Punisher Season 2 premieres on Netflix? Canceled it a week or a month after the Season premiered? Is this the fate of the whole show?

Well then, let me ask you a few simple questions. How do you like it if Netflix decides to not bother canceling Punisher but keep the show on the air and renew it for Season 3, 4 or 5? YOU helped to put Punisher into a solo series, so you should be appreciative and happy with the cast and crew’s topnotch acting performances, careful debates about gun rights, proper dealings with veterans suffering from PTSD, and well-written storylines instead of griping about how the show appears to be slow and boring, and how it contains too much violence and disturbing images for people sensitive to gun violence and too little action when it comes to making criminal bodies fall. This is not the same as The Punisher ’89 or Ray Stevenson’s Punisher War Zone films, you know.

How do you like it if Netflix agrees to reinstate Daredevil and renew it for Season 4 much to the joy of Daredevil fans everywhere? The petition to bring back Daredevil is reaching 35,000 in signatures as of today. Letters, whether snail-mail or email and “Nelson Murdock, & Page” Napkins with words of encouragement is being sent out to Marvel/Netflix by the thousands along with tweets and Facebook postings are being posted encouraging Netflix to reconsider their mistakable decision to cancel Daredevil. With so many people banding together to get Netflix to renew and reinstate Daredevil, every effort to send in posts, napkins, and letters to Marvel/Netflix must not be done in vain.

No show like Punisher and Daredevil deserves to be done in vain. No star-studded actor, writer, director, choreographer, or producer deserves to have their work be rejected and done in vain as well. All of the cast and crew of both shows deserves to be honored and appreciated for all the work they’re doing to make their shows Emmy-award winners and eventually be inducted into the Television Hall of Fame. No changes or reboots required.

Just because Disney is getting its own streaming service doesn’t mean the 3 Marvel shows on Netflix (Jessica Jones, Punisher, and Daredevil) have to be canceled. Netflix must reconsider canceling the shows regardless of the petty disputes it is having with Marvel/Disney and keep the shows on the air and renew them for newer seasons for people to enjoy watching them on their PC, Mobile, and TV. If the producers want to, Netflix should allow them to finish the whole series just as they did with the people behind Voltron: Legendary Defender who ended the whole series with Season 8 last month.

Marvel’s The Punisher is set to air sometime in January on Netflix. The show stars Jon Bernthal as Frank Castle (aka The Punisher). Also starring Jason R. Moore as Curtis Hoyle, Ebon Moss-Bachrach as David Lieberman (aka Micro), Amber Rose Revah as Dinah Madani, Ben Barnes as Billy Russo, Deborah Ann Woll as Karen Page and written by Steve LightFoot, too.

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