Month: June 2017

  • Don't it make your blood boil?

    Don't it make your blood boil?

    It’s confirmed. Frank is now in league with Hydra! Look at Frank saluting his evil overlord in the upcoming Secret Empire #4. Now run to the medicine cabinet, get out a bottom of Pepto Bismal and chug it down your throat. Or better yet, get a bottle of aspirin and take two pills to cool…

  • A Different version of Jake Gallows

    A Different version of Jake Gallows

    I saw this on Facebook. Don’t you think this version of The Punisher designed for Marvel’s Contest of Champions mobile game kinda reminds you of Jake Gallows, The Punisher of 2099? To be honest, I don’t mind this version of Jake Gallows. But on the other hand, he’s been getting a lot of negative criticism…

  • NEW PUNISHER HARP ART! Jon Bernthal as The Punisher Harps Again

    NEW PUNISHER HARP ART! Jon Bernthal as The Punisher Harps Again

    Would it be so amazing to see and hear Jon Bernthal’s version of The Punisher actually play a harp in a future Marvel/Netflix show, like The Defenders, Daredevil, and even his own solo show? I would. Related Posts Now what does the song go? Now what does the song go? No Mercy for the Guilty!…

  • Coming in November…

    Coming in November…

    Hope your Thanksgiving plans include watching The Punisher on Netflix instead of football. Because according to Dearbhla Walsh who directed the series, “[I’ve directed] one other time that hasn’t been aired yet, which was an episode for the new Marvel series The Punisher, which I did just before Christmas, but it’s not airing until November,” she…

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